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Christmas Gift

Staff Wishlists

In anticipation of future gift giving occasions, we opt to help alleviate some of the stress when it comes to gift giving by gathering up a short list of likes for SES Staff. Whether you're a student, parent or staff member, we all have times when we feel compelled to give from our hearts! A token of appreciation could be something as simple as a thank you card, but knowing more about someone via our "Favorite Things" forms might just be useful to you! 

If are a staff member and have not filled out a form, please take a moment to fill it out. We know that you're always grateful when someone thinks of you, but we also know how rewarding it can be to receive something you'll love, or find useful!

Your answers will not be directly accessible on our website. Only those with the link will be able to find your form.

If you don't see a staff member listed, please send them the link to fill one out! For additional question please contact

SES Staff, please click below to fill out the form!

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